
Our patients tell their story:

Name: Henry

Main Issue: Hip pain

I have a previous hip injury from 10 years ago that was re-injured about 1 year ago when I slipped on some ice.  I also have had plantar fasciitis on both feet for a year now and it is especially bad on my left foot.  I sought regular treatment from my doctor who eventually sent me to specialists. 

I had the usual medication, followed by physical therapy. Those treatments provided temporary relief and short repair.  I still had pain which told me the issue was from another part of my body.

My wife had tried chiropractic in the past and it worked for her.  I also conducted research and sought holistic care as I thought it would be better for my overall health.

Now I have had a major change and relief from pain.  I’m more active now and feel great.  My body is repairing the issue and building strength.  I now know the cause, why I’m in pain, and what to do at home to assist with treatment.

Name: Andrea

Main Issue: Chronic pain in neck, shoulders, low back, hips, and sciatica

To treat my pain, I have seen numerous chiropractors, took bottles of Advil, and even had cortisone shots in my lower back.  All of these treatments were temporary.  Nothing seemed to last over a 24-hour period.

I have only been going to Grumish Chiropractic for a few months now, and I feel amazing!  I walk for long distances without pain.  I have more energy.  I no longer pop my own bones, and the pain is gone!  I know my body isn’t done healing yet, but I know (for the first time in my life) that there will be an end to my chronic pain.

Name: Ryan

Main Issue: Back Pain

Ryan chiropractic testimonial I have been suffering from chronic and reoccurring lower back pain. Previous knee and lower back injuries complicated and added to my pain. I usually used over the counter pain relievers, topical ointments, and rubs to soothe muscles. These options brought temporary relief, and helped somewhat for a brief period of time. I tried stretches and strengthening exercises for lower back pain. These exercises seemed to help more than medicine, but did not fully heal my back.  I was still hurting and in pain.

My problems have definitely been improving. Even after my first treatment, I could tell such a difference. I have been sleeping better. I have a wider range of motion & flexibility—better posture. I am more confident; I feel much better, and I am just happier all together. It’s very reassuring to me that help can be found and accomplished through chiropractic services!

Name: Reba

Main Issue: Back Pain


I suffered from arthritis for 15 years, spinal pain for 2 years. I had compression pain in my spine and had difficulty turning over in bed. My left hip had intermittent pain making it hard to walk without pain meds. I was unable to keep my spine aligned; my head kept slipping forward even when I consciously tried to keep it back. My upper back was very tight and my lower back and spinal column had terrible pain. I suffered with numbness and pain in my hands, arthritis in my joints and a stiff neck. Nothing was done to treat these symptoms; I thought it was old age creeping up on me early. I just endured the pain as I am not one to go to the Dr. and I put my family's needs before mine. A friend told me about Grumish Chiropractic and that they were a Christian Office and I took my father in for care. I quickly learned how compassionate Dr. Grumish and the staff were and was particularly impressed with my dad's quick response to chiropractic care. I was desperate for relief from pain and decided to commit to my health and wellness. I ABSOLUTELY love Chiropractic care and it has benefited my life in so many ways. I feel ten years younger. My range of motion in my neck is wonderful. The pain in my spine is GONE. The tightness in my upper back is much better, and I have not experienced any more difficulty walking. I am singing with much greater freedom and less tension which makes me feel good again because it is truly a joy to me. Playing the piano does not cause pain and my hands do not tire as quickly. The HEALTHCLASS helped me to sleep smarter and move smarter. My recovery time after yard work is hours instead of days. THANK YOU, GRUMISH CHIROPRACTIC! THANK YOU, LORD JESUS!

Name: Rose

Main Issue: Elbow Pain


I had pain in my right elbow for 1 year. I did my normal activities, but with constant pain. I tried treating the pain with a cortisone shot, but that did nothing. I decided to try chiropractic because I had a fear of orthopedic surgeons and my friend Carol recommended Grumish Chiropractic. Since receiving chiropractic care the pain is gone in a remarkably short amount of time. Amazing!

Name: Sue

Major Complaint: Car Accident


A car accident left me stiff and sore. For the first 3 or 4 days I took pain medication, but after about a month I knew the problem wasn’t going away. I had been to Grumish Chiropractic in the past and had relief, so I wanted to try chiropractic again.

My back feels better and with a maintenance care visit every 6 weeks, it continues to feel good. Dr. Schroer has specific advice just for me on daily activities such as only spending 15 minutes at a time on my quilting machine. I like to garden, sew and quilt. All of these hobbies can lead to discomfort and now I know how to change tasks frequently!

Name: Joe Jr

Main Issue: Kids


Loves chiropractic care so much he could sleep right through it. Ask us about chiropractic care for children, they benefit just as much as their parents!


Name: Tammy

Main Issue: Whole Body Pain

GEDC0081_1.JPG I suffered from fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, shingles, carpal tunnel syndrome, depression and I am a skin cancer survivor. I had no reflex in my left knee and often there was blood in my urine. I was still suffering pain from a case of mono even when I first started at Grumish Chiropractic. My conditions first began about 10 years ago. I worked for a doctor's office for 8 years and even with all the medical care I found no relief. I was taking several medications that caused side effects such as ringing in my ears, memory loss, lethargy, noise sensitivity and interruption in my speech. I couldn't bear to be around people, in crowds or even talk on the phone. I had to quit my job because of my symptoms. My sister bought me a Gift of Health to come to Grumish Chiropractic and my friend and husband had both been patients and highly recommended the office. Since I've started coming here I am off of ALL my medications and my pain is gone!! I'm alive again!! I was not a believer in chiropractic care. I was a respiratory therapist in the medical field for 30 years. I used to drink pop constantly and I craved sweets, I couldn't drink water it literally made me sick. Since coming to Grumish Chiropractic I have lost 25-30 pounds! I drink water all the time and I'm off pop! I truly believe that God resides here. The atmosphere is full of hope. I received the gift of hope as well as the gift of health. I have just purchased my 16th Gift of Health; I have become a poster child and a foghorn for Grumish Chiropractic!!

Name: Mari

Main Issue: Leg Pain

MariDuncan_1.JPG For two weeks I had pain up and down my leg. It hurt when I went to bed, I couldn't get comfortable at night. I thought I hurt myself somehow. My regular doctor just gave me muscle relaxers and all they did was make me drowsy. I work next door to Grumish Chiropractic and I decided give them a try. I found out that my posture was very, very bad and my hips were misaligned. Since coming to Grumish Chiropractic I feel so much better. I will always go there before I see any other doctor for any ailment!!

Name: Joyce

Main Issue: Hip Pain

IMG_4898_1.JPG For the last year I've had ongoing problems with my hip. The pain got so bad that I started having trouble walking. I also had extremely sharp pain. I thought I was just getting older. My daughter in law recommended that I go and see a chiropractor and I tried someone else. That chiropractor just didn't get it. Since coming to Grumish Chiropractic I've been thrilled with the results. I saw results as early as my 2nd treatment! Shortly thereafter the pain was gone completely! Not only that but with nutritional counseling from Grumish Chiropractic I began taking Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil and Zypan after meals and they've been wonderful. I really didn't believe supplements could help me but I've been amazed by the results. I never miss a month of my care whether I think I need it or not. Maintenance care is so important and I've saved so much money on medication by having the doctors adjust my sinuses. Those really help with my chronic headaches and sinus problems."

Name: Rev. Ronald Murphy

Main Issue: Whole Body Pain

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Chuck says:

Chuck_1.JPG I was having problems with my neck, middle and lower back and hip. I also had sinus and breathing issues. I saw my medical doctor where I was given steroid injections and ice packs but it didn't help. I don't remember a time when I felt o.k. My neck was always sore and I felt like I was 80 years old. For one whole year it took me a couple of hours just to start my day. A friend of mine recommended I come to Grumish Chiropractic. Amyone who has problems with neck, back or even scolliosis should come. I can breathe better because the tension is gone. I can move my neck freely and I can see major improvement in my upper body. I can't thank the doctors at Grumish Chiropractic enough!

Lenore says:

LenoreP_1.JPG I had terrible migraine headaches. I took Bufferin but it didn't help. I started suffering from this condition when I was a girl. My family knew the doctors at Grumish Chiropractic and they recommended I come here. I've been seeing them now for over 25 years and I haven't had a migraine since!! Thank God for Grumish Chiropractic!


Darcy says:

Darcy_1.jpg I had constant pain throughout my lower back running down my legs. I took ibuprofen but it didn't work. I started having the problem about three weeks ago. I couldn't get out of bed or stand after sitting or even put my pants on without pain! My sister in law comes to Grumish Chiropractic and she told me to come. Before I came to Grumish Chiropractic I had pain 24 hours a day and it woke me up at night. Now I can do yoga again and play with my kids!

Elizabeth says:


I suffered from TMJ for two years. I saw my general practitioner who sent me to an EMT. The EMT put me on allergy medication and nasal spray but I still felt clogged and had pain. I heard about Grumish Chiropractic on Facebook and decided to give them a try. I've definitely been helped by the doctors at Grumish Chiropractic. I have no more pain in my ear, no more clogging and I'm no longer using the nose spray!


Tim tells us:

Tim_1.jpg In September I was having extreme back pain, I couldn't stand up straight. The pain was from an injury I had when I was a kid. When I was younger the pain would come and go by itself but this time it didn't go away. I took Advil but it didn't help. My niece referred me to Grumish Chiropractic and told me how wonderful they are. I was helped BIG TIME! I am remarkably healed compared to the first time I walked into the office. I can stand up straight now. I thought this was the end of my health but thanks be to GOD and Grumish Chiropractic I am much better!

Dr. Jeff is one of our star patients:

032_2.JPG I was golfing and bent to get the tee and had a shooting pain in my back. I had burning lower back pain through my hips. I went to the Urgent Care and saw a doctor who put me in a brace support for two weeks. Even before that I always had a low grade pain in my back. Afterwards I was bed ridden for two days, my legs would give out and I had sharp pain. I was looking for an immediate and long term solution. I heard about how good the staff and doctors of Grumish Chiropractic were through one of their patients. I am 100% better than I was. I notice now that I have better circulation, my back is much better, I no longer have hip pain and my golf swing is much more fluid. As a doctor I sit a lot and that was also causing a lot of my hip pain and I no longer experience that either!
























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